Saturday 28 February 2015

Pebble unveil new smartwatch - The Pebble Time

Smartwatches are definitely the must have gadgets nowadays for people who love wearing stylish watches but also want more from their wrist timepiece.

There have been many smartwatch releases from 2014 such as Samsung's Gear S, LG G Watch and the beautiful Moto 360. In spring 2015 Apple will be releasing their own smartwatch, the iWatch. Everyone will be looking at Apple's new gadget watch and how it competes with the smartwatches already in the market.

Samsung's Gear S, LG G Watch and Moto 360

Another smartwatch, The Pebble Time is getting ready to be released through crowd funding website, Kickstarter. The Pebble Time is the company's second smartwatch released through kickstarter which allows people make pledges that allows them to make early purchases of the new gadget.

Pebble brought out their first smartwatch in 2012 which used a e-paper display and can use multiple apps on it. It only costs around £99 which made it one of the cheapest smartwatch available. It raised more than $10m in kickstarter's crowdfunding for its first generation device.
Pebble Watch
First Pebble Watch
The Pebble Time will have a colour e-paper display that can last up to 7 days battery life. It also has a microphone enabling users to send short voice replies to notifications and messages received from the watch via their smartphone. The new smartwatch will be 20% thinner than its predecessor and comes with a accessories port which allows developers to build hardware for it. The watch will use a feature called 'timeline' that chronologically organises the users alerts.

The Pebble Time Smartwatch
The Pebble Time

The original Pebble smartwatch has sold more than one million and it looks like there is again huge demand for their new watch device. Currently on kickstarter, the demand for the new Pepple Time watch is clear with well over $4,000,000 pledges already made and counting.

Personally I'll be waiting for Apple to release their version of the smartwatch in April, the iWatch but I am very interested to see how well The Pebble Time will do.

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